Ereditarietà: ruolo nella cefalea

Emicrania ed eredo familiarità
L’emicranio è una patologia multifattoriale, resta peraltro confermato il ruolo della eredo familiarità ed ereditarietà
Di seguito dati scientifici pubblicati in proposito

Dati e lavori personali degli afferenti alla Fondazione Sicuteri-Nicolodi
– Nicolodi M, Sicuteri F. Systemic vascular hyperalgesia: a genetic index of dysnociception.Workshop “Autoanalgesia and its dysfunctions”, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Firenze 17 dicembre 1993
– Nicolodi M, Sicuteri F. Heterotopic visceral hyperalgesia strongly supports the inheritable central nature of migraine. Cephalalgia 15 (14): 72, 1995
– Nicolodi M, Coppola G, Sicuteri R, Sicuteri F. Visceral pain heritability in migraineours blood akins. IASP 7th World Congress on pain, Paris, August 22-27, 1993, p 12
– Nicolodi M. The detection of third hyperalgesia in man. 8th World Congress “The pain Clinic”May 6-10, 1998, Santa Cruz de Tenerife -Spain, plenary lecture
– Nicolodi M, Sicuteri F. The detection of inheritable, pain independent “third hyperalgesia”. In: J:A: De Vera, W. Parris, S.Erdine (Eds:) Management of pain : A world perspecive, Bologna: Internat Proc. Div. Monduzzi, Vol.3 pp 352-359, 1988
– Gerola S., Battistini S, Stenirri S, Nicolodi M, Arnetoli G, Canova S, Binelli G. Bernardi A, Balan S, Ferrari M, Carrera P. CACNA1A gene non-synomynous single nucleotide polymorphism and common migraine in Italy: a cas-controll association study wth a micro-array technology. Clin. Chem Lab. Med 47(6): 783-5, 2009

Only the rare condition familial hemiplegic migraine has an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. There is undoubtedly a familial link

The inheritance of migraine with aura estimated by means of structural equation modelling
V. Ulrich, M. Gervil, K. Kyvik, J. Olesen, and M. Russell
Department of Neurology, Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
Studies of migraine with aura (MA) have shown familial aggregation of the disorder, which cannot be explained by simple mendelian inheritance. The interest in a genetic basis for the disorder has increased after identification of three genetic loci for familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM), which is a rare subtype of MA with autosomal dominant inheritance. Both genetic and environmental factors seem to be important in the expression of MA.
Genetics of Migraine
Genetics of Migraine: An Update
Kathy L. Gardner, MD
Observations including the long-recognized tendency of migraine to run in families, the high concordance rates
for migraine in twins reared together or apart, and the association of specific mutations with a rare migraine form
are consistent with a genetic contribution to the disorder. This
The genetics of migraine.
Ducros A, Tournier-Lasserve E, Bousser MG.
Headache Emergency Department, Lariboisière Hospital, Paris, France.
The search for genes involved in the pathophysiology of migraine poses major difficulties. First, there is no objective diagnostic method to assess the status of the individuals studied. Second, migraine is a polygenic multifactorial disorder. Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is the only known autosomal dominant subtype of migraine. In half the families with FHM who have been studied, there are mutations in the calcium-channel gene CACNA1A, located on chromosome 19. In other families, a locus has been mapped on chromosome 1. The role of these loci in typical migraine is still unknown. A susceptibility locus for migraine with aura has been located on chromosome 19 (but is distinct from CACNA1A) and a genome-wide linkage analysis has mapped a susceptibility locus on chromosome 4. Another locus for migraine may be on the X chromosome. Finally, many positive association studies have been published, but few have been replicated.

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